Command Line Interface
The following options will allow you to interact with the Pulsar database object on the command line in different ways based on the sub-commands.
usage: psrdb pulsar [-h] [-t TOKEN] [-u URL] [-q] [-v] {list} ...
Positional Arguments
- subcommand
Possible choices: list
Named Arguments
- -t, --token
JWT token
- -u, --url
- -q, --quiet
Return ID only
- -v, --verbose
Increase verbosity
list existing Pulsars
psrdb pulsar list [-h] [--id ID] [--name name]
Named Arguments
- --id
list Pulsars matching the id [int]
- --name
list Pulsars matching the name [str]
The following options will allow you to interact with the Telescope database object on the command line in different ways based on the sub-commands.
usage: psrdb telescope [-h] [-t TOKEN] [-u URL] [-q] [-v] {list} ...
Positional Arguments
- subcommand
Possible choices: list
Named Arguments
- -t, --token
JWT token
- -u, --url
- -q, --quiet
Return ID only
- -v, --verbose
Increase verbosity
list existing telescopes
psrdb telescope list [-h] [--id ID] [--name NAME]
Named Arguments
- --id
list telescopes matching the id [int]
- --name
list telescopes matching the name [str]
The following options will allow you to interact with the MainProject database object on the command line in different ways based on the sub-commands.
usage: psrdb main_project [-h] [-t TOKEN] [-u URL] [-q] [-v] {list} ...
Positional Arguments
- subcommand
Possible choices: list
Named Arguments
- -t, --token
JWT token
- -u, --url
- -q, --quiet
Return ID only
- -v, --verbose
Increase verbosity
list existing MainProject
psrdb main_project list [-h] [--id ID] [--telescope TEL] [--name NAME]
Named Arguments
- --id
list MainProject matching the id [int]
- --telescope
list MainProject matching the telescope id [int]
- --name
list MainProject matching the name [str]
The following options will allow you to interact with the Project database object on the command line in different ways based on the sub-commands.
usage: psrdb project [-h] [-t TOKEN] [-u URL] [-q] [-v] {list} ...
Positional Arguments
- subcommand
Possible choices: list
Named Arguments
- -t, --token
JWT token
- -u, --url
- -q, --quiet
Return ID only
- -v, --verbose
Increase verbosity
list existing projects
psrdb project list [-h] [--id ID] [--mainproject MAIN] [--code CODE]
Named Arguments
- --id
list projects matching the id [int]
- --mainproject
list projects matching the mainproject name [str]
- --code
list projects matching the code [str]
The following options will allow you to interact with the Ephemeris database object on the command line in different ways based on the sub-commands.
usage: psrdb ephemeris [-h] [-t TOKEN] [-u URL] [-q] [-v] {list} ...
Positional Arguments
- subcommand
Possible choices: list
Named Arguments
- -t, --token
JWT token
- -u, --url
- -q, --quiet
Return ID only
- -v, --verbose
Increase verbosity
list existing ephemerides
psrdb ephemeris list [-h] [--id ID] [--pulsar PSR] [--p0 P0] [--dm DM]
[--rm RM] [--eph EPH]
Named Arguments
- --id
list ephemeris matching the id [int]
- --pulsar
list ephemeris matching the pulsar id [int]
- --p0
list ephemeris matching the pulsar P0 [float]
- --dm
list ephemeris matching the pulsar DM [float]
- --rm
list ephemeris matching the pulsar RM [float]
- --eph
list ephemeris matching the ephemeris [JSON]
The following options will allow you to interact with the Template database object on the command line in different ways based on the sub-commands.
usage: psrdb template [-h] [-t TOKEN] [-u URL] [-q] [-v] {list} ...
Positional Arguments
- subcommand
Possible choices: list
Named Arguments
- -t, --token
JWT token
- -u, --url
- -q, --quiet
Return ID only
- -v, --verbose
Increase verbosity
list existing ephemerides
psrdb template list [-h] [--id ID] [--pulsar PSR] [--frequency FREQ]
[--bandwidth BW]
Named Arguments
- --id
list template matching the id [int]
- --pulsar
list template matching the pulsar id [int]
- --frequency
list template matching the pulsar frequency in MHz [float]]
- --bandwidth
list template matching the pulsar bandwidth in MHz [float]]
The following options will allow you to interact with the Calibration database object on the command line in different ways based on the sub-commands.
usage: psrdb calibration [-h] [-t TOKEN] [-u URL] [-q] [-v] {list} ...
Positional Arguments
- subcommand
Possible choices: list
Named Arguments
- -t, --token
JWT token
- -u, --url
- -q, --quiet
Return ID only
- -v, --verbose
Increase verbosity
list existing calibrations
psrdb calibration list [-h] [--id ID] [--type TYPE]
Named Arguments
- --id
list calibrations matching the id [int]
- --type
list calibrations matching the type [pre, post or none]
The following options will allow you to interact with the Observation database object on the command line in different ways based on the sub-commands.
usage: psrdb observation [-h] [-t TOKEN] [-u URL] [-q] [-v]
{list,download} ...
Positional Arguments
- subcommand
Possible choices: list, download
Named Arguments
- -t, --token
JWT token
- -u, --url
- -q, --quiet
Return ID only
- -v, --verbose
Increase verbosity
list existing observations
psrdb observation list [-h] [--id ID] [--target_id TGTID]
[--pulsar TGTNAME [TGTNAME ...]] [--telescope_id TELID]
[--telescope_name TELNAME] [--instrumentconfig_id ICID]
[--instrumentconfig_name ICNAME] [--project_id PROJID]
[--project_code PROJCODE] [--main_project MAINPROJECT]
[--utcs UTCGTE] [--utce UTCLTE] [--obs_type OBSTYPE]
[--unprocessed] [--incomplete]
Named Arguments
- --id
list observations matching the id [int]
- --target_id
list observations matching the target (pulsar) id [int]
- --pulsar
list observations matching the target (pulsar) name [str]
- --telescope_id
list observations matching the telescope id [int]
- --telescope_name
list observations matching the telescope name [int]
- --instrumentconfig_id
list observations matching the instrument_config id [int]
- --instrumentconfig_name
list observations matching the instrument_config name [str]
- --project_id
list observations matching the project id [id]
- --project_code
list observations matching the project code [str]
- --main_project
list observations matching the mainproject [str]
- --utcs
list observations with utc_start greater than or equal to the timestamp [YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM]
- --utce
list observations with utc_start less than or equal to the timestamp [YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM]
- --obs_type
An observation type from fold, search and cal
- --unprocessed
list observations with utc_start less than or equal to the timestamp [YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM]
- --incomplete
list observations with utc_start less than or equal to the timestamp [YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM]
download a csv with can be input to meerpipe based on the following filters
psrdb observation download [-h] [--id ID] [--target_id TGTID]
[--pulsar TGTNAME [TGTNAME ...]]
[--telescope_id TELID] [--telescope_name TELNAME]
[--instrumentconfig_id ICID]
[--instrumentconfig_name ICNAME]
[--project_id PROJID] [--project_code PROJCODE]
[--main_project MAINPROJECT] [--utcs UTCGTE]
[--utce UTCLTE] [--obs_type OBSTYPE]
[--unprocessed] [--incomplete]
Named Arguments
- --id
list observations matching the id [int]
- --target_id
list observations matching the target (pulsar) id [int]
- --pulsar
list observations matching the target (pulsar) name [str]
- --telescope_id
list observations matching the telescope id [int]
- --telescope_name
list observations matching the telescope name [int]
- --instrumentconfig_id
list observations matching the instrument_config id [int]
- --instrumentconfig_name
list observations matching the instrument_config name [str]
- --project_id
list observations matching the project id [id]
- --project_code
list observations matching the project code [str]
- --main_project
list observations matching the mainproject [str]
- --utcs
list observations with utc_start greater than or equal to the timestamp [YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM]
- --utce
list observations with utc_start less than or equal to the timestamp [YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM]
- --obs_type
An observation type from fold, search and cal
- --unprocessed
Filter to only returned unprocessed observations (no PulsarFoldResult)
- --incomplete
Filter to only return incomplete observations (most recent job run is not “Completed”
The following options will allow you to interact with the PipelineRun database object on the command line in different ways based on the sub-commands.
usage: psrdb pipeline_run [-h] [-t TOKEN] [-u URL] [-q] [-v] {list} ...
Positional Arguments
- subcommand
Possible choices: list
Named Arguments
- -t, --token
JWT token
- -u, --url
- -q, --quiet
Return ID only
- -v, --verbose
Increase verbosity
list existing PipelineRun
psrdb pipeline_run list [-h] [--id ID] [--observation_id OBS]
[--ephemeris_id EPHEM] [--template_id TEMP]
[--pipelineName NAME] [--pipelineDescription DESC]
[--pipelineVersion VER] [--jobState STATE]
[--location LOC] [--dm DM] [--dmErr DMERR]
[--dmEpoch DMEPOCH] [--dmChi2r DMCHI2R]
[--dmTres DMTRES] [--sn SN] [--flux FLUX] [--rm RM]
[--percentRfiZapped RFI]
Named Arguments
- --id
List pipeline run with matching pipeline_run_id [int]
- --observation_id
List pipeline run with matching observation_id [int]
- --ephemeris_id
List pipeline run with matching ephemeris_id [int]
- --template_id
List pipeline run with matching template_id [int]
- --pipelineName
List pipeline run with matching pipelineName [str]
- --pipelineDescription
List pipeline run with matching pipelineDescription [str]
- --pipelineVersion
List pipeline run with matching pipelineVersion [str]
- --jobState
List pipeline run with matching jobState [str]
- --location
List pipeline run with matching location [str]
- --dm
List pipeline run with matching dm [float]
- --dmErr
List pipeline run with matching dmErr [float]
- --dmEpoch
List pipeline run with matching dmEpoch [float]
- --dmChi2r
List pipeline run with matching dmChi2r [float]
- --dmTres
List pipeline run with matching dmTres [float]
- --sn
List pipeline run with matching sn [float]
- --flux
List pipeline run with matching flux [float]
- --rm
List pipeline run with matching rm [float]
- --percentRfiZapped
List pipeline run with matching percentRfiZapped [float]
The following options will allow you to interact with the PulsarFoldResult database object on the command line in different ways based on the sub-commands.
usage: psrdb pulsar_fold_result [-h] [-t TOKEN] [-u URL] [-q] [-v]
{list,download} ...
Positional Arguments
- subcommand
Possible choices: list, download
Named Arguments
- -t, --token
JWT token
- -u, --url
- -q, --quiet
Return ID only
- -v, --verbose
Increase verbosity
list existing ephemerides
psrdb pulsar_fold_result list [-h] [--pulsar PULSAR]
[--mainProject MAINPROJECT]
[--utcStart UTCSTART] [--beam BEAM]
Named Arguments
- --pulsar
Name of the pulsar [str]
- --mainProject
Name of the main project you want to filter pulsar_fold_results by [str]
- --utcStart
UTC start time you want the results of [str]
- --beam
Beam number you want to filter pulsar_fold_results by [int]
Download TOAs for a pulsar to a .tim file
psrdb pulsar_fold_result download [-h] [--mainProject MAINPROJECT]
[--utcStart UTCSTART] [--beam BEAM]
[--exclude_badges [{Strong RFI,RM Drift,DM Drift,Session Timing Jump,Session Sensitivity Reduction} ...]]
[--utcs UTCS] [--utce UTCE]
Positional Arguments
- pulsar
Name of the pulsar [str]
Named Arguments
- --mainProject
Name of the main project you want to filter pulsar_fold_results by [str]
- --utcStart
UTC start time you want the results of [str]
- --beam
Beam number you want to filter pulsar_fold_results by [int]
- --exclude_badges
Possible choices: Strong RFI, RM Drift, DM Drift, Session Timing Jump, Session Sensitivity Reduction
List of observation badges/flags to exclude from download ToAs. The choices are: [‘Strong RFI’, ‘RM Drift’, ‘DM Drift’, ‘Session Timing Jump’, ‘Session Sensitivity Reduction’]
- --utcs
Only use observations with utc_start greater than or equal to the timestamp [YYYY-MM-DD-HH:MM:SS]
- --utce
Only use observations with utc_start less than or equal to the timestamp [YYYY-MM-DD-HH:MM:SS]
The following options will allow you to interact with the PipelineImage database object on the command line in different ways based on the sub-commands.
usage: psrdb pipeline_image [-h] [-t TOKEN] [-u URL] [-q] [-v] {list} ...
Positional Arguments
- subcommand
Possible choices: list
Named Arguments
- -t, --token
JWT token
- -u, --url
- -q, --quiet
Return ID only
- -v, --verbose
Increase verbosity
list existing PipelineImage
psrdb pipeline_image list [-h] [--id ID] [--processing_id PROC]
Named Arguments
- --id
list PipelineImage matching the id [int]
- --processing_id
list PipelineImage matching the processing id [int]
The following options will allow you to interact with the Toa database object on the command line in different ways based on the sub-commands.
usage: psrdb toa [-h] [-t TOKEN] [-u URL] [-q] [-v] {list,download} ...
Positional Arguments
- subcommand
Possible choices: list, download
Named Arguments
- -t, --token
JWT token
- -u, --url
- -q, --quiet
Return ID only
- -v, --verbose
Increase verbosity
list existing ephemerides
psrdb toa list [-h] [--id ID] [--processing PROC] [--folding FOLD]
[--ephemeris EPH] [--template TEMPL]
Named Arguments
- --id
list toa matching the id [int]
- --processing
list toa matching the processing id [int]
- --folding
list toa that used the folding id [int]
- --ephemeris
list toa matching the timing ephemeris id [int]
- --template
list toa matching the template id [int]
Download TOAs for a pulsar to a .tim file
psrdb toa download [-h] --project PROJECT [--id ID]
[--pipeline_run_id PIPELINE_RUN_ID] [--dm_corrected]
--nsub_type {1,max,mode,all} --nchan NCHAN --npol NPOL
[--exclude_badges [{Strong RFI,RM Drift,DM Drift,Session Timing Jump,Session Sensitivity Reduction} ...]]
[--utcs UTCS] [--utce UTCE]
Positional Arguments
- pulsar
Name of the pulsar [str]
Named Arguments
- --project
The project short (e.g. PTA) [str]
- --id
id of the toa [int]
- --pipeline_run_id
pipeline_run_id of the toa [int]
- --dm_corrected
Return TOAs that have had their DM corrected for each observation [bool]
- --nsub_type
Possible choices: 1, max, mode, all
The method used to calculate the number of subintegrations. The choices are: “1”: a single nsub, “max” the maximum number of subints possible for the observation based on the S/N ratio, “mode” the length of each subintegration is equal to the most common observation duration, “all”: all available nsubs (no time scrunching).
- --nchan
Only use TOAs with this many subchans (common values are 1,4 and 16) [int]
- --npol
Only use TOAs with this many stokes polarisations (4 for all and 1 for summed) [int]
- --exclude_badges
Possible choices: Strong RFI, RM Drift, DM Drift, Session Timing Jump, Session Sensitivity Reduction
List of observation badges/flags to exclude from download ToAs. The choices are: [‘Strong RFI’, ‘RM Drift’, ‘DM Drift’, ‘Session Timing Jump’, ‘Session Sensitivity Reduction’]
- --utcs
Only use observations with utc_start greater than or equal to the timestamp [YYYY-MM-DD-HH:MM:SS]
- --utce
Only use observations with utc_start less than or equal to the timestamp [YYYY-MM-DD-HH:MM:SS]
The following options will allow you to interact with the Residual database object on the command line in different ways based on the sub-commands.
usage: psrdb residual [-h] [-t TOKEN] [-u URL] [-q] [-v] {list,create} ...
Positional Arguments
- subcommand
Possible choices: list, create
Named Arguments
- -t, --token
JWT token
- -u, --url
- -q, --quiet
Return ID only
- -v, --verbose
Increase verbosity
list existing ephemerides
psrdb residual list [-h] [--id ID] [--processing PROC] [--folding FOLD]
[--ephemeris EPH] [--template TEMPL]
Named Arguments
- --id
list residual matching the id [int]
- --processing
list residual matching the processing id [int]
- --folding
list residual that used the folding id [int]
- --ephemeris
list residual matching the timing ephemeris id [int]
- --template
list residual matching the template id [int]
Create a new Residual
psrdb residual create [-h] TOA
Positional Arguments
Path to the residual file [str]