psrdb modules
- class psrdb.tables.calibration.Calibration(client)[source]
Class for interacting with the Calibration database object.
- Parameters:
- clientGraphQLClient
GraphQLClient class instance with the URL and Token already set.
- create(schedule_block_id, type, location)[source]
Create a new Calibration database object.
- Parameters:
- schedule_block_idstr
The schedule block ID which this calibration is associated with.
- typestr
The type of calibration (pre or post).
- locationstr
The location of the calibration file on the filesystem (if a post type calibration).
- Returns:
- client_response:
A client response object.
- delete(id)[source]
Delete a Calibration database object.
- Parameters:
- idint
The database ID
- Returns:
- client_response:
A client response object.
- list(id=None, type=None)[source]
Return a list of Calibration information based on the self.field_names and filtered by the parameters.
- Parameters:
- idint, optional
Filter by the database ID, by default None
- typestr, optional
Filter by the observation type (pre or post), by default None
- Returns:
- list of dicts
If self.get_dicts is True, a list of dictionaries containing the results.
- client_response:
Else a client response object.
- update(id, schedule_block_id, type, location)[source]
Update a Calibration database object.
- Parameters:
- idint
The database ID
- schedule_block_idstr
The schedule block ID which this calibration is associated with.
- typestr
The type of calibration (pre or post).
- locationstr
The location of the calibration file on the filesystem (if a post type calibration).
- Returns:
- client_response:
A client response object.
- class psrdb.tables.ephemeris.Ephemeris(client)[source]
Class for interacting with the Ephemeris database object.
- Parameters:
- clientGraphQLClient
GraphQLClient class instance with the URL and Token already set.
- create(pulsar, ephemeris, project_code=None, project_short=None, comment=None)[source]
Create a new Ephemeris database object.
- Parameters:
- pulsarstr
The pulsar name.
- ephemerisstr
The ephemeris text as a single string (includes new line characters).
- project_codestr, optional
The project code, by default None
- project_shortstr, optional
The project short name (e.g PTA), by default None
- commentstr, optional
A comment about the ephemeris, by default None
- Returns:
- client_response:
A client response object.
- delete(id)[source]
Delete a Ephemeris database object.
- Parameters:
- idint
The database ID
- Returns:
- client_response:
A client response object.
- list(id=None, pulsar_id=None, p0=None, dm=None, eph=None)[source]
Return a list of Ephemeris information based on the self.field_names and filtered by the parameters.
- Parameters:
- idint, optional
Filter by the database ID, by default None.
- pulsar_idint, optional
Filter by the pulsar ID, by default None.
- p0float, optional
Filter by the pulsar period, by default None.
- dmfloat, optional
Filter by the pulsar DM, by default None.
- ephstr, optional
Filter by the ephemeris hash, by default None.
- Returns:
- list of dicts
If self.get_dicts is True, a list of dictionaries containing the results.
- client_response:
Else a client response object.
- update(id, pulsar, created_at, created_by, ephemeris, p0, dm, rm, comment, valid_from, valid_to)[source]
Update a Ephemeris database object.
- Parameters:
- idint
The database ID
- pulsarstr
The pulsar name.
- ephemerisstr
The ephemeris text as a single string (includes new line characters).
- project_codestr, optional
The project code, by default None
- project_shortstr, optional
The project short name (e.g PTA), by default None
- commentstr, optional
A comment about the ephemeris, by default None
- Returns:
- client_response:
A client response object.
- class psrdb.tables.main_project.MainProject(client)[source]
Class for interacting with the MainProject database object.
- Parameters:
- clientGraphQLClient
GraphQLClient class instance with the URL and Token already set.
- create(telescope, name)[source]
Create a new MainProject database object.
- Parameters:
- telescopestr
The telescope name
- namestr
The name of the MainProject
- Returns:
- client_response:
A client response object.
- delete(id)[source]
Delete a MainProject database object.
- Parameters:
- idint
The database ID
- Returns:
- client_response:
A client response object.
- list(id=None, telescope=None, name=None)[source]
Return a list of MainProject information based on the self.field_names and filtered by the parameters.
- Parameters:
- idint, optional
Filter by the database ID, by default None
- telescopestr, optional
Filter by the telescope name, by default None
- namestr, optional
Filter by the name, by default None
- Returns:
- list of dicts
If self.get_dicts is True, a list of dictionaries containing the results.
- client_response:
Else a client response object.
- class psrdb.tables.observation.Observation(client, logger=None)[source]
Class for interacting with the Observation database object.
- Parameters:
- clientGraphQLClient
GraphQLClient class instance with the URL and Token already set.
- create(pulsarName, telescopeName, projectCode, calibrationId, ephemerisText, frequency, bandwidth, nchan, beam, nant, nantEff, npol, obsType, utcStart, raj, decj, duration, nbit, tsamp, foldNbin, foldNchan, foldTsubint, filterbankNbit, filterbankNpol, filterbankNchan, filterbankTsamp, filterbankDm)[source]
Create a new Observation database object.
- Parameters:
- pulsarNamestr
The pulsar name.
- telescopeNamestr
The telescope name.
- projectCodestr
The project code.
- calibrationIdint
The ID of the Calibration database object.
- ephemerisTextstr
The ephemeris text as a single string (includes new line characters).
- frequencyfloat
The frequency of the observation in MHz.
- bandwidthfloat
The bandwidth of the observation in MHz.
- nchanint
The number of frequency channels.
- beamint
The beam number.
- nantint
The number of antennas used in the observation.
- nantEffint
The effective number of antennas used in the observation.
- npolint
The number of polarisations.
- obsTypestr
The type of observation (fold, search or cal).
- utcStartdatetime
The UTC start time of the observation as a datetime object.
- rajstr
The right ascension of the observation in HH:MM:SS.SS format.
- decjstr
The declination of the observation in DD:MM:SS.SS format.
- durationfloat
The duration of the observation in seconds.
- nbitint
The number of bits per sample.
- tsampfloat
The sampling time in microseconds.
- foldNbinint
The number of bins in the folded data (None for non fold observations).
- foldNchanint
The number of frequency channels in the folded data (None for non fold observations).
- foldTsubintint
The number of time samples in each sub-integration of the folded data (None for non fold observations).
- filterbankNbitint
The number of bits per sample in the filterbank data (None for non search observations).
- filterbankNpolint
The number of polarisations in the filterbank data (None for non search observations).
- filterbankNchanint
The number of frequency channels in the filterbank data (None for non search observations).
- filterbankTsampfloat
The sampling time in microseconds in the filterbank data (None for non search observations).
- filterbankDmfloat
The dispersion measure in the filterbank data (None for non search observations).
- Returns:
- client_response:
A client response object.
- delete(id)[source]
Delete a Observation database object.
- Parameters:
- idint
The database ID
- Returns:
- client_response:
A client response object.
- list(id=None, pulsar_name=None, telescope_name=None, project_id=None, project_short=None, main_project='All', utcs=None, utce=None, obs_type='fold', unprocessed=None, incomplete=None)[source]
Return a list of Observation information based on the self.field_names and filtered by the parameters.
- Parameters:
- idint, optional
Filter by the database ID, by default None
- pulsar_namestr, optional
Filter by the pulsar name, by default None
- telescope_namestr, optional
Filter by the telescope name, by default None
- project_idint, optional
Filter by the project id, by default None
- project_shortstr, optional
Filter by the project short name, by default None
- utcsstr, optional
Filter by the utc start time greater than or equal to the timestamp in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+00:00, by default None
- utcestr, optional
Filter by the utc start time less than or equal to the timestamp in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+00:00, by default None
- obs_typestr, optional
Filter by the observation type (fold, search or cal), by default ‘fold’
- unprocessedstr, optional
Filter to only returned unprocessed observations (no PulsarFoldResult)
- incompletestr, optional
Filter to only return incomplete observations (most recent job run is not “Completed)
- Returns:
- list of dicts
If self.get_dicts is True, a list of dictionaries containing the results.
- client_response:
Else a client response object.
- update(id, pulsarName, telescopeName, projectCode, calibrationId, ephemerisText, frequency, bandwidth, nchan, beam, nant, nantEff, npol, obsType, utcStart, raj, decj, duration, nbit, tsamp, foldNbin, foldNchan, foldTsubint, filterbankNbit, filterbankNpol, filterbankNchan, filterbankTsamp, filterbankDm)[source]
Update a Observation database object.
- Parameters:
- idint
The database ID
- pulsarNamestr
The pulsar name.
- telescopeNamestr
The telescope name.
- projectCodestr
The project code.
- calibrationIdint
The ID of the Calibration database object.
- ephemerisTextstr
The ephemeris text as a single string (includes new line characters).
- frequencyfloat
The frequency of the observation in MHz.
- bandwidthfloat
The bandwidth of the observation in MHz.
- nchanint
The number of frequency channels.
- beamint
The beam number.
- nantint
The number of antennas used in the observation.
- nantEffint
The effective number of antennas used in the observation.
- npolint
The number of polarisations.
- obsTypestr
The type of observation (fold, search or cal).
- utcStartdatetime
The UTC start time of the observation as a datetime object.
- rajstr
The right ascension of the observation in HH:MM:SS.SS format.
- decjstr
The declination of the observation in DD:MM:SS.SS format.
- durationfloat
The duration of the observation in seconds.
- nbitint
The number of bits per sample.
- tsampfloat
The sampling time in microseconds.
- foldNbinint
The number of bins in the folded data (None for non fold observations).
- foldNchanint
The number of frequency channels in the folded data (None for non fold observations).
- foldTsubintint
The number of time samples in each sub-integration of the folded data (None for non fold observations).
- filterbankNbitint
The number of bits per sample in the filterbank data (None for non search observations).
- filterbankNpolint
The number of polarisations in the filterbank data (None for non search observations).
- filterbankNchanint
The number of frequency channels in the filterbank data (None for non search observations).
- filterbankTsampfloat
The sampling time in microseconds in the filterbank data (None for non search observations).
- filterbankDmfloat
The dispersion measure in the filterbank data (None for non search observations).
- Returns:
- client_response:
A client response object.
- class psrdb.tables.pipeline_image.PipelineImage(client)[source]
Class for interacting with the PipelineImage database object.
- Parameters:
- clientGraphQLClient
GraphQLClient class instance with the URL and Token already set.
- create(pipeline_run_id, image_path, image_type, resolution, cleaned)[source]
Create a new PipelineImage database object.
- Parameters:
- pipeline_run_idint
The ID of the PipelineRun database object this image is associated with.
- image_pathstr
The path to the image file.
- image_typestr
The type of image (profile, profile-pol, phase-time, phase-freq, bandpass, snr-cumul, snr-single).
- resolutionstr
The resolution of the image (high or low).
- cleanedbool
Whether the image is from cleaned data (RFI removed).
- Returns:
- client_response:
A client response object.
- list(id=None, pipeline_run_id=None)[source]
Return a list of PipelineImage information based on the self.field_names and filtered by the parameters.
- Parameters:
- idint, optional
Filter by the database ID, by default None
- pipeline_run_idint, optional
Filter by the pipeline run ID, by default None
- Returns:
- list of dicts
If self.get_dicts is True, a list of dictionaries containing the results.
- client_response:
Else a client response object.
- class psrdb.tables.pipeline_run.PipelineRun(client)[source]
Class for interacting with the PipelineRun database object.
- Parameters:
- clientGraphQLClient
GraphQLClient class instance with the URL and Token already set.
- create(observationId, ephemerisId, templateId, pipelineName, pipelineDescription, pipelineVersion, jobState, location, configuration, results_dict=None)[source]
Create a new PipelineRun database object.
- Parameters:
- observationIdint
The ID of the Observation database object of this PipelineRun.
- ephemerisIdint
The ID of the Ephemeris database object of this PipelineRun.
- templateIdint
The ID of the Template database object of this PipelineRun.
- pipelineNamestr
The name of the pipeline used for this PipelineRun.
- pipelineDescriptionstr
The description of the pipeline used for this PipelineRun.
- pipelineVersionstr
The version of the pipeline used for this PipelineRun.
- jobStatestr
The state of the job from (“Pending”, “Running”, “Completed”, “Failed”, “Cancelled”).
- locationstr
The location of the job outputs.
- configurationdict
The input parameters of the pipeline used for this PipelineRun.
- results_dictdict, optional
The results of the pipeline which is only uploaded when the run is completed, by default None
- Returns:
- client_response:
A client response object.
- delete(id)[source]
Delete a PipelineRun database object.
- Parameters:
- idint
The database ID
- Returns:
- client_response:
A client response object.
- list(id=None, observation_id=None, ephemeris_id=None, template_id=None, pipelineName=None, pipelineDescription=None, pipelineVersion=None, jobState=None, location=None, dm=None, dmErr=None, dmEpoch=None, dmChi2r=None, dmTres=None, sn=None, flux=None, rm=None, percentRfiZapped=None)[source]
Return a list of PipelineRun information based on the self.field_names and filtered by the parameters.
- Parameters:
- idint, optional
Filter by the database ID, by default None
- observation_idint, optional
Filter by the Observation database ID, by default None
- ephemeris_idint, optional
Filter by the Ephemeris database ID, by default None
- template_idint, optional
Filter by the Template database ID, by default None
- pipelineNamestr, optional
Filter by the pipeline name, by default None
- pipelineDescriptionstr, optional
Filter by the pipeline description, by default None
- pipelineVersionstr, optional
Filter by the pipeline version, by default None
- jobStatestr, optional
Filter by the job state, by default None
- locationstr, optional
Filter by the location, by default None
- dmfloat, optional
Filter by the dm, by default None
- dmErrfloat, optional
Filter by the dmErr, by default None
- dmEpochfloat, optional
Filter by the dmEpoch, by default None
- dmChi2rfloat, optional
Filter by the dmChi2r, by default None
- dmTresfloat, optional
Filter by the dmTres, by default None
- snfloat, optional
Filter by the sn, by default None
- fluxfloat, optional
Filter by the flux, by default None
- rmfloat, optional
Filter by the rm, by default None
- percentRfiZappedfloat, optional
Filter by the percentRfiZapped, by default None
- Returns:
- list of dicts
If self.get_dicts is True, a list of dictionaries containing the results.
- client_response:
Else a client response object.
- update(id, jobState, results_dict=None)[source]
Update a PipelineRun database object.
- Parameters:
- idint
The database ID
- jobStatestr
The state of the job from (“Pending”, “Running”, “Completed”, “Failed”, “Cancelled”).
- results_dictdict, optional
The results of the pipeline which is only uploaded when the run is completed, by default None
- Returns:
- client_response:
A client response object.
- class psrdb.tables.project.Project(client)[source]
Class for interacting with the Project database object.
- Parameters:
- clientGraphQLClient
GraphQLClient class instance with the URL and Token already set.
- create(main_project, code, short, embargo_period, description)[source]
Create a new Project database object.
- Parameters:
- main_projectstr
The name of the MainProject this project is under.
- codestr
The code of the project.
- shortstr
The short name of the project (e.g. PTA).
- embargo_periodint
The embargo period in days.
- descriptionstr
A description of the project.
- Returns:
- client_response:
A client response object.
- delete(id)[source]
Delete a Project database object.
- Parameters:
- idint
The database ID
- Returns:
- client_response:
A client response object.
- list(id=None, mainProject=None, code=None)[source]
Return a list of Project information based on the self.field_names and filtered by the parameters.
- Parameters:
- idint, optional
Filter by the database ID, by default None
- mainProjectstr, optional
Filter by the mainProject name, by default None
- codestr, optional
Filter by the code, by default None
- Returns:
- list of dicts
If self.get_dicts is True, a list of dictionaries containing the results.
- client_response:
Else a client response object.
- update(id, main_project, code, short, embargo_period, description)[source]
Update a Project database object.
- Parameters:
- idint
The database ID
- main_projectstr
The name of the MainProject this project is under.
- codestr
The code of the project.
- shortstr
The short name of the project (e.g. PTA).
- embargo_periodint
The embargo period in days.
- descriptionstr
A description of the project.
- Returns:
- client_response:
A client response object.
- class psrdb.tables.pulsar_fold_result.PulsarFoldResult(client)[source]
Class for interacting with the PulsarFoldResult database object.
- Parameters:
- clientGraphQLClient
GraphQLClient class instance with the URL and Token already set.
- list(pulsar=None, mainProject=None, utcStart=None, beam=None, utcs=None, utce=None)[source]
Return a list of PulsarFoldResult information based on the self.field_names and filtered by the parameters.
- Parameters:
- pulsarstr, optional
Filter by the pulsar name, by default None
- mainProjectstr, optional
Filter by the main project name, by default None
- utcStartstr, optional
Filter by the utcStart, by default None
- beamint, optional
Filter by the beam number, by default None
- Returns:
- list of dicts
If self.get_dicts is True, a list of dictionaries containing the results.
- client_response:
Else a client response object.
- class psrdb.tables.pulsar.Pulsar(client)[source]
Class for interacting with the Pulsar database object.
- Parameters:
- clientGraphQLClient
GraphQLClient class instance with the URL and Token already set.
- create(name, comment=None)[source]
Create a new Pulsar database object.
- Parameters:
- namestr
The name of the pulsar.
- commentstr, optional
A description of the pulsar (normally produced by the pulsar_paragraph package), by default None
- Returns:
- client_response:
A client response object.
- delete(id)[source]
Delete a Pulsar database object.
- Parameters:
- idint
The database ID
- Returns:
- client_response:
A client response object.
- list(id=None, name=None)[source]
Return a list of Pulsar information based on the self.field_names and filtered by the parameters.
- Parameters:
- idint, optional
Filter by the database ID, by default None
- namestr, optional
Filter by the name, by default None
- Returns:
- list of dicts
If self.get_dicts is True, a list of dictionaries containing the results.
- client_response:
Else a client response object.
- class psrdb.tables.residual.Residual(client)[source]
Class for interacting with the Residual database object.
- Parameters:
- clientGraphQLClient
GraphQLClient class instance with the URL and Token already set.
- create(residual_lines)[source]
Create a new Residual database object.
- Parameters:
- residual_lineslist of str
A list of strings containing the residual lines.
- Returns:
- client_response:
A client response object.
- list(pulsar, project_short)[source]
Return a list of Residual information based on the self.field_names and filtered by the parameters.
- Parameters:
- idint, optional
Filter by the database ID, by default None
- pulsarstr, optional
Filter by the pulsar name, by default None
- project_shortstr, optional
Filter by the project short code, by default None
- Returns:
- list of dicts
If self.get_dicts is True, a list of dictionaries containing the results.
- client_response:
Else a client response object.
- class psrdb.tables.telescope.Telescope(client)[source]
Class for interacting with the Telescope database object.
- Parameters:
- clientGraphQLClient
GraphQLClient class instance with the URL and Token already set.
- create(name)[source]
Create a new Telescope database object.
- Parameters:
- namestr
The name of the Telescope.
- Returns:
- client_response:
A client response object.
- list(id=None, name=None)[source]
Return a list of Telescope information based on the self.field_names and filtered by the parameters.
- Parameters:
- idint, optional
Filter by the database ID, by default None
- namestr, optional
Filter by the name, by default None
- Returns:
- list of dicts
If self.get_dicts is True, a list of dictionaries containing the results.
- client_response:
Else a client response object.
- class psrdb.tables.template.Template(client)[source]
Class for interacting with the Template database object.
- Parameters:
- clientGraphQLClient
GraphQLClient class instance with the URL and Token already set.
- create(pulsar_name, band, template_path, project_code=None, project_short=None)[source]
Create a new Template database object.
- Parameters:
- pulsar_namestr
The name of the pulsar.
- bandstr
The band of the template (e.g. SBAND).
- template_pathstr
The path to the template file.
- project_codestr, optional
The code of the project, by default None
- project_shortstr, optional
The short name of the project (e.g. PTA), by default None
- Returns:
- client_response:
A client response object.
- list(id=None, pulsar_name=None, band=None, project_short=None)[source]
Return a list of Template information based on the self.field_names and filtered by the parameters.
- Parameters:
- idint, optional
Filter by the database ID, by default None
- pulsar_namestr, optional
Filter by the pulsar name, by default None
- bandstr, optional
Filter by the band, by default None
- project_shortstr, optional
Filter by the project short name, by default None
- Returns:
- list of dicts
If self.get_dicts is True, a list of dictionaries containing the results.
- client_response:
Else a client response object.
- class psrdb.tables.toa.Toa(client)[source]
Class for interacting with the Toa database object.
- Parameters:
- clientGraphQLClient
GraphQLClient class instance with the URL and Token already set.
- create(pipeline_run_id, project_short, ephemeris, template_id, toa_lines, dmCorrected=False, nsub_type=None, npol=1, nchan=1)[source]
Create a new Toa database object.
- Parameters:
- pipeline_run_idint
The ID of the PipelineRun database object for this Toa.
- project_shortstr
The project short name (e.g PTA).
- ephemerisstr
The path to the ephemeris file used to create the residuals.
- template_idint
The ID of the Template database object for this Toa.
- toa_lineslist
A list containing the toa lines.
- dmCorrectedbool
If the toa was DM corrected.
- minimumNsubsbool
If the toa was generated with the minimum number of time subbands.
- maximumNsubsbool
If the toa was generated with the maximum number of time subbands.
- npolint
The number of Stokes polarisations.
- nchanint
The number of frequency channels.
- Returns:
- client_response:
A client response object.
- delete(id)[source]
Delete a Toa database object.
- Parameters:
- idint
The database ID
- Returns:
- client_response:
A client response object.
- download(pulsar, id=None, pipeline_run_id=None, project_short=None, dm_corrected=None, nsub_type=None, obs_nchan=None, npol=None, exclude_badges=None, utcs=None, utce=None)[source]
Download a file containing ToAs based on the filters.
- Parameters:
- pulsarstr
Filter by the pulsar name
- idint, optional
Filter by the database ID, by default None
- pipeline_run_idint, optional
Filter by the pipeline run id, by default None
- project_shortstr
The project short name (e.g PTA).
- dm_correctedbool, optional
Filter by if the toa was DM corrected, by default None
- nsub_typestr
- The method used to calculate the number of subintegrations. The choices are:
“1”: a single nsub, “max” the maximum number of subints possible for the observation based on the S/N ratio, “mode” the length of each subintegration is equal to the most common observation duration, “all”: all available nsubs (no time scrunching).
- obs_nchanint, optional
Filter by the number of channels, by default None
- npolint
The number of Stokes polarisations.
- Returns:
- list of dicts
If self.get_dicts is True, a list of dictionaries containing the results.
- client_response:
Else a client response object.
- list(id=None, pulsar=None, pipeline_run_id=None, project_short=None, dm_corrected=None, minimum_nsubs=None, maximum_nsubs=None, obs_nchan=None)[source]
Return a list of Toa information based on the self.field_names and filtered by the parameters.
- Parameters:
- idint, optional
Filter by the database ID, by default None
- pulsarstr, optional
Filter by the pulsar name, by default None
- pipeline_run_idint, optional
Filter by the pipeline run id, by default None
- project_shortstr
The project short name (e.g PTA).
- dm_correctedbool, optional
Filter by if the toa was DM corrected, by default None
- minimum_nsubsbool, optional
Filter by if the toa was generated with the minimum number of time subbands, by default None
- maximum_nsubsbool, optional
Filter by if the toa was generated with the maximum number of time subbands, by default None
- obs_nchanint, optional
Filter by the number of channels, by default None
- Returns:
- list of dicts
If self.get_dicts is True, a list of dictionaries containing the results.
- client_response:
Else a client response object.