Source code for psrdb.tables.observation

from datetime import datetime

from psrdb.graphql_table import GraphQLTable
from psrdb.utils.other import decode_id

def get_parsers():
    """Returns the default parser for this model"""
    parser = GraphQLTable.get_default_parser("The following options will allow you to interact with the Observation database object on the command line in different ways based on the sub-commands.")
    return parser

[docs] class Observation(GraphQLTable): """Class for interacting with the Observation database object. Parameters ---------- client : GraphQLClient GraphQLClient class instance with the URL and Token already set. """ def __init__(self, client, logger=None): GraphQLTable.__init__(self, client, logger) self.table_name = "observation" self.field_names = [ "id", "pulsar { name }", "calibration { id }", "calibration { location }", "telescope { name }", "project { code }", "project { short }", "utcStart", "beam", "band", "duration", "foldNchan", "foldNbin", "modeDuration" ]
[docs] def list( self, id=None, pulsar_name=None, telescope_name=None, project_id=None, project_short=None, main_project="All", utcs=None, utce=None, obs_type='fold', unprocessed=None, incomplete=None, ): """Return a list of Observation information based on the `self.field_names` and filtered by the parameters. Parameters ---------- id : int, optional Filter by the database ID, by default None pulsar_name : str, optional Filter by the pulsar name, by default None telescope_name : str, optional Filter by the telescope name, by default None project_id : int, optional Filter by the project id, by default None project_short : str, optional Filter by the project short name, by default None utcs : str, optional Filter by the utc start time greater than or equal to the timestamp in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+00:00, by default None utce : str, optional Filter by the utc start time less than or equal to the timestamp in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+00:00, by default None obs_type : str, optional Filter by the observation type (fold, search or cal), by default 'fold' unprocessed : str, optional Filter to only returned unprocessed observations (no PulsarFoldResult) incomplete : str, optional Filter to only return incomplete observations (most recent job run is not "Completed) Returns ------- list of dicts If `self.get_dicts` is `True`, a list of dictionaries containing the results. client_response: Else a client response object. """ # Convert dates to correct format if utcs == "": utcs = None elif utcs is not None: d = datetime.strptime(utcs, '%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') utcs = f"{}T{d.time()}+00:00" if utce == "": utce = None elif utce is not None: d = datetime.strptime(utce, '%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') utce = f"{}T{d.time()}+00:00" if project_short == "": project_short = None if pulsar_name == "": pulsar_name = None """Return a list of records matching the id and/or any of the arguments.""" filters = [ {"field": "id", "value": id}, {"field": "pulsar_Name", "value": pulsar_name}, {"field": "telescope_Name", "value": telescope_name}, {"field": "project_Id", "value": project_id}, {"field": "project_Short", "value": project_short}, {"field": "mainProject", "value": main_project}, {"field": "utcStartGte", "value": utcs}, {"field": "utcStartLte", "value": utce}, {"field": "obsType", "value": obs_type}, ] if unprocessed is not None: filters.append({"field": "unprocessed", "value": unprocessed}) if incomplete is not None: filters.append({"field": "incomplete", "value": incomplete}) return GraphQLTable.list_graphql(self, self.table_name, filters, [], self.field_names)
def download( self, id=None, pulsar_name=None, telescope_name=None, project_id=None, project_short=None, main_project="meertime", utcs=None, utce=None, obs_type='fold', unprocessed=None, incomplete=None, ): """Return a list of Observation information based on the `self.field_names` and filtered by the parameters. Parameters ---------- id : int, optional Filter by the database ID, by default None pulsar_name : str, optional Filter by the pulsar name, by default None telescope_name : str, optional Filter by the telescope name, by default None project_id : int, optional Filter by the project id, by default None project_short : str, optional Filter by the project short name, by default None utcs : str, optional Filter by the utc start time greater than or equal to the timestamp in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+00:00, by default None utce : str, optional Filter by the utc start time less than or equal to the timestamp in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+00:00, by default None obs_type : str, optional Filter by the observation type (fold, search or cal), by default 'fold' unprocessed : str, optional Filter to only returned unprocessed observations (no PulsarFoldResult) incomplete : str, optional Filter to only return incomplete observations (most recent job run is not "Completed) Returns ------- list of dicts If `self.get_dicts` is `True`, a list of dictionaries containing the results. client_response: Else a client response object. """ # Convert dates to correct format if utcs == "": utcs = None elif utcs is not None: d = datetime.strptime(utcs, '%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') utcs = f"{}T{d.time()}+00:00" if utce == "": utce = None elif utce is not None: d = datetime.strptime(utce, '%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') utce = f"{}T{d.time()}+00:00" if project_short == "": project_short = None if pulsar_name == "": pulsar_name = None """Return a list of records matching the id and/or any of the arguments.""" filters = [ {"field": "id", "value": id}, {"field": "pulsar_Name", "value": pulsar_name}, {"field": "telescope_Name", "value": telescope_name}, {"field": "project_Id", "value": project_id}, {"field": "project_Short", "value": project_short}, {"field": "mainProject", "value": main_project}, {"field": "utcStartGte", "value": utcs}, {"field": "utcStartLte", "value": utce}, {"field": "obsType", "value": obs_type}, ] if unprocessed is not None: filters.append({"field": "unprocessed", "value": unprocessed}) if incomplete is not None: filters.append({"field": "incomplete", "value": incomplete}) self.get_dicts = True observations_dicts = GraphQLTable.list_graphql(self, self.table_name, filters, [], self.field_names) # Create the output name output_name = "observations" if main_project: output_name += f"_{main_project}" if pulsar_name: output_name += f"_{'_'.join(pulsar_name)}" if telescope_name: output_name += f"_{telescope_name}" if project_id: output_name += f"_{project_id}" if project_short: output_name += f"_{project_short}" if utcs: output_name += f"_utcs{utcs}" if utce: output_name += f"_utce{utce}" if obs_type: output_name += f"_{obs_type}" if unprocessed: output_name += "_unprocessed" if incomplete: output_name += "_incomplete" output_name += ".csv" # Loop over the pulsar_fold_results and dump them as a file with open(output_name, "w") as f: f.write("Obs ID,Pulsar Jname,UTC Start,Project Short Name,Beam #,Observing Band,Duration (s),Mode Duration (s),Nchan,Nbin,Calibration Location\n") for observations_dict in observations_dicts: data_line = [ str(decode_id(observations_dict["id"])), str(observations_dict["pulsar"]["name"]), str(datetime.strptime(observations_dict['utcStart'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+00:00').strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S')), str(observations_dict["project"]["short"]), str(observations_dict["beam"]), str(observations_dict["band"]), str(observations_dict["duration"]), str(observations_dict["modeDuration"]), str(observations_dict["foldNchan"]), str(observations_dict["foldNbin"]), str(observations_dict["calibration"]["location"]), ] f.write(f"{','.join(data_line)}\n") return output_name
[docs] def create( self, pulsarName, telescopeName, projectCode, calibrationId, ephemerisText, frequency, bandwidth, nchan, beam, nant, nantEff, npol, obsType, utcStart, raj, decj, duration, nbit, tsamp, foldNbin, foldNchan, foldTsubint, filterbankNbit, filterbankNpol, filterbankNchan, filterbankTsamp, filterbankDm, ): """Create a new Observation database object. Parameters ---------- pulsarName : str The pulsar name. telescopeName : str The telescope name. projectCode : str The project code. calibrationId : int The ID of the Calibration database object. ephemerisText : str The ephemeris text as a single string (includes new line characters). frequency : float The frequency of the observation in MHz. bandwidth : float The bandwidth of the observation in MHz. nchan : int The number of frequency channels. beam : int The beam number. nant : int The number of antennas used in the observation. nantEff : int The effective number of antennas used in the observation. npol : int The number of polarisations. obsType : str The type of observation (fold, search or cal). utcStart : `datetime` The UTC start time of the observation as a `datetime` object. raj : str The right ascension of the observation in HH:MM:SS.SS format. decj : str The declination of the observation in DD:MM:SS.SS format. duration : float The duration of the observation in seconds. nbit : int The number of bits per sample. tsamp : float The sampling time in microseconds. foldNbin : int The number of bins in the folded data (None for non fold observations). foldNchan : int The number of frequency channels in the folded data (None for non fold observations). foldTsubint : int The number of time samples in each sub-integration of the folded data (None for non fold observations). filterbankNbit : int The number of bits per sample in the filterbank data (None for non search observations). filterbankNpol : int The number of polarisations in the filterbank data (None for non search observations). filterbankNchan : int The number of frequency channels in the filterbank data (None for non search observations). filterbankTsamp : float The sampling time in microseconds in the filterbank data (None for non search observations). filterbankDm : float The dispersion measure in the filterbank data (None for non search observations). Returns ------- client_response: A client response object. """ # create a new record self.mutation_name = "createObservation" self.mutation = """ mutation ( $pulsarName: String!, $telescopeName: String!, $projectCode: String!, $calibrationId: Int!, $frequency: Float!, $bandwidth: Float!, $nchan: Int!, $beam: Int!, $nant: Int!, $nantEff: Int!, $npol: Int!, $obsType: String!, $utcStart: DateTime!, $raj: String!, $decj: String!, $duration: Float!, $nbit: Int!, $tsamp: Float!, # Fold options $ephemerisText: String, $foldNbin: Int, $foldNchan: Int, $foldTsubint: Int, # Search options $filterbankNbit: Int, $filterbankNpol: Int, $filterbankNchan: Int, $filterbankTsamp: Float, $filterbankDm: Float, ) { createObservation(input: { pulsarName: $pulsarName, telescopeName: $telescopeName, projectCode: $projectCode, calibrationId: $calibrationId, frequency: $frequency, bandwidth: $bandwidth, nchan: $nchan, beam: $beam, nant: $nant, nantEff: $nantEff, npol: $npol, obsType: $obsType, utcStart: $utcStart, raj: $raj, decj: $decj, duration: $duration, nbit: $nbit, tsamp: $tsamp, ephemerisText: $ephemerisText, foldNbin: $foldNbin, foldNchan: $foldNchan, foldTsubint: $foldTsubint, filterbankNbit: $filterbankNbit, filterbankNpol: $filterbankNpol, filterbankNchan: $filterbankNchan, filterbankTsamp: $filterbankTsamp, filterbankDm: $filterbankDm, }) { observation { id } } } """ self.variables = { "pulsarName": pulsarName, "telescopeName": telescopeName, "projectCode": projectCode, "calibrationId": calibrationId, "ephemerisText": ephemerisText, "frequency": frequency, "bandwidth": bandwidth, "nchan": nchan, "beam": beam, "nant": nant, "nantEff": nantEff, "npol": npol, "obsType": obsType, "utcStart": utcStart, "raj": raj, "decj": decj, "duration": duration, "nbit": nbit, "tsamp": tsamp, "foldNbin": foldNbin, "foldNchan": foldNchan, "foldTsubint": foldTsubint, "filterbankNbit": filterbankNbit, "filterbankNpol": filterbankNpol, "filterbankNchan": filterbankNchan, "filterbankTsamp": filterbankTsamp, "filterbankDm": filterbankDm, } return self.mutation_graphql()
[docs] def update( self, id, pulsarName, telescopeName, projectCode, calibrationId, ephemerisText, frequency, bandwidth, nchan, beam, nant, nantEff, npol, obsType, utcStart, raj, decj, duration, nbit, tsamp, foldNbin, foldNchan, foldTsubint, filterbankNbit, filterbankNpol, filterbankNchan, filterbankTsamp, filterbankDm, ): """Update a Observation database object. Parameters ---------- id : int The database ID pulsarName : str The pulsar name. telescopeName : str The telescope name. projectCode : str The project code. calibrationId : int The ID of the Calibration database object. ephemerisText : str The ephemeris text as a single string (includes new line characters). frequency : float The frequency of the observation in MHz. bandwidth : float The bandwidth of the observation in MHz. nchan : int The number of frequency channels. beam : int The beam number. nant : int The number of antennas used in the observation. nantEff : int The effective number of antennas used in the observation. npol : int The number of polarisations. obsType : str The type of observation (fold, search or cal). utcStart : `datetime` The UTC start time of the observation as a `datetime` object. raj : str The right ascension of the observation in HH:MM:SS.SS format. decj : str The declination of the observation in DD:MM:SS.SS format. duration : float The duration of the observation in seconds. nbit : int The number of bits per sample. tsamp : float The sampling time in microseconds. foldNbin : int The number of bins in the folded data (None for non fold observations). foldNchan : int The number of frequency channels in the folded data (None for non fold observations). foldTsubint : int The number of time samples in each sub-integration of the folded data (None for non fold observations). filterbankNbit : int The number of bits per sample in the filterbank data (None for non search observations). filterbankNpol : int The number of polarisations in the filterbank data (None for non search observations). filterbankNchan : int The number of frequency channels in the filterbank data (None for non search observations). filterbankTsamp : float The sampling time in microseconds in the filterbank data (None for non search observations). filterbankDm : float The dispersion measure in the filterbank data (None for non search observations). Returns ------- client_response: A client response object. """ self.mutation_name = "updateObservation" self.mutation = """ mutation ( $id: Int!, $pulsarName: String!, $telescopeName: String!, $projectCode: String!, $calibrationId: Int!, $frequency: Float!, $bandwidth: Float!, $nchan: Int!, $beam: Int!, $nant: Int!, $nantEff: Int!, $npol: Int!, $obsType: String!, $utcStart: DateTime!, $raj: String!, $decj: String!, $duration: Float!, $nbit: Int!, $tsamp: Float!, # Fold options $ephemerisText: String, $foldNbin: Int, $foldNchan: Int, $foldTsubint: Int, # Search options $filterbankNbit: Int, $filterbankNpol: Int, $filterbankNchan: Int, $filterbankTsamp: Float, $filterbankDm: Float, ) { updateObservation(input: { id: $id, pulsarName: $pulsarName, telescopeName: $telescopeName, projectCode: $projectCode, calibrationId: $calibrationId, frequency: $frequency, bandwidth: $bandwidth, nchan: $nchan, beam: $beam, nant: $nant, nantEff: $nantEff, npol: $npol, obsType: $obsType, utcStart: $utcStart, raj: $raj, decj: $decj, duration: $duration, nbit: $nbit, tsamp: $tsamp, ephemerisText: $ephemerisText, foldNbin: $foldNbin, foldNchan: $foldNchan, foldTsubint: $foldTsubint, filterbankNbit: $filterbankNbit, filterbankNpol: $filterbankNpol, filterbankNchan: $filterbankNchan, filterbankTsamp: $filterbankTsamp, filterbankDm: $filterbankDm, }) { observation { id } } } """ self.variables = { "id": id, "pulsarName": pulsarName, "telescopeName": telescopeName, "projectCode": projectCode, "calibrationId": calibrationId, "ephemerisText": ephemerisText, "frequency": frequency, "bandwidth": bandwidth, "nchan": nchan, "beam": beam, "nant": nant, "nantEff": nantEff, "npol": npol, "obsType": obsType, "utcStart": utcStart, "raj": raj, "decj": decj, "duration": duration, "nbit": nbit, "tsamp": tsamp, "foldNbin": foldNbin, "foldNchan": foldNchan, "foldTsubint": foldTsubint, "filterbankNbit": filterbankNbit, "filterbankNpol": filterbankNpol, "filterbankNchan": filterbankNchan, "filterbankTsamp": filterbankTsamp, "filterbankDm": filterbankDm, } return self.mutation_graphql()
[docs] def delete(self, id): """Delete a Observation database object. Parameters ---------- id : int The database ID Returns ------- client_response: A client response object. """ self.mutation_name = "deleteObservation" self.mutation = """ mutation ($id: Int!) { deleteObservation(id: $id) { ok } } """ self.variables = { "id": id, } return self.mutation_graphql()
def process(self, args): """Parse the arguments collected by the CLI.""" self.print_stdout = True if args.subcommand == "list": return self.list(, pulsar_name=args.pulsar, telescope_name=args.telescope_name, project_id=args.project_id, project_short=args.project_code, main_project=args.main_project, utcs=args.utcs, utce=args.utce, obs_type=args.obs_type, unprocessed=args.unprocessed, incomplete=args.incomplete, ) elif args.subcommand == "download": return, pulsar_name=args.pulsar, telescope_name=args.telescope_name, project_id=args.project_id, project_short=args.project_code, main_project=args.main_project, utcs=args.utcs, utce=args.utce, obs_type=args.obs_type, unprocessed=args.unprocessed, incomplete=args.incomplete, ) else: raise RuntimeError(f"{args.subcommand} command is not implemented") @classmethod def get_name(cls): return "observation" @classmethod def get_description(cls): return "Observation details." @classmethod def get_parsers(cls): """Returns the default parser for this model""" parser = GraphQLTable.get_default_parser("Observations model parser") cls.configure_parsers(parser) return parser @classmethod def configure_parsers(cls, parser): """Add sub-parsers for each of the valid commands.""" # create the parser for the "list" command parser.set_defaults(command=cls.get_name()) subs = parser.add_subparsers(dest="subcommand") subs.required = True parser_list = subs.add_parser("list", help="list existing observations") parser_list.add_argument("--id", metavar="ID", type=int, help="list observations matching the id [int]") parser_list.add_argument( "--target_id", metavar="TGTID", type=int, help="list observations matching the target (pulsar) id [int]" ) parser_list.add_argument( "--pulsar", metavar="TGTNAME", type=str, nargs='+', help="list observations matching the target (pulsar) name [str]" ) parser_list.add_argument( "--telescope_id", metavar="TELID", type=int, help="list observations matching the telescope id [int]" ) parser_list.add_argument( "--telescope_name", metavar="TELNAME", type=str, help="list observations matching the telescope name [int]" ) parser_list.add_argument( "--instrumentconfig_id", metavar="ICID", type=int, help="list observations matching the instrument_config id [int]", ) parser_list.add_argument( "--instrumentconfig_name", metavar="ICNAME", type=str, help="list observations matching the instrument_config name [str]", ) parser_list.add_argument( "--project_id", metavar="PROJID", type=int, help="list observations matching the project id [id]" ) parser_list.add_argument( "--project_code", metavar="PROJCODE", type=str, help="list observations matching the project code [str]" ) parser_list.add_argument( "--main_project", metavar="MAINPROJECT", type=str, default="MeerTIME", help="list observations matching the mainproject [str]", ) parser_list.add_argument( "--utcs", metavar="UTCGTE", type=str, help="list observations with utc_start greater than or equal to the timestamp [YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM]", ) parser_list.add_argument( "--utce", metavar="UTCLTE", type=str, help="list observations with utc_start less than or equal to the timestamp [YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM]", ) parser_list.add_argument( "--obs_type", metavar="OBSTYPE", type=str, help="An observation type from fold, search and cal", ) parser_list.add_argument( "--unprocessed", action='store_true', default=None, help="list observations with utc_start less than or equal to the timestamp [YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM]", ) parser_list.add_argument( "--incomplete", action='store_true', default=None, help="list observations with utc_start less than or equal to the timestamp [YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM]", ) parser_download = subs.add_parser("download", help="download a csv with can be input to meerpipe based on the following filters") parser_download.add_argument("--id", metavar="ID", type=int, help="list observations matching the id [int]") parser_download.add_argument( "--target_id", metavar="TGTID", type=int, help="list observations matching the target (pulsar) id [int]" ) parser_download.add_argument( "--pulsar", metavar="TGTNAME", type=str, nargs='+', help="list observations matching the target (pulsar) name [str]" ) parser_download.add_argument( "--telescope_id", metavar="TELID", type=int, help="list observations matching the telescope id [int]" ) parser_download.add_argument( "--telescope_name", metavar="TELNAME", type=str, help="list observations matching the telescope name [int]" ) parser_download.add_argument( "--instrumentconfig_id", metavar="ICID", type=int, help="list observations matching the instrument_config id [int]", ) parser_download.add_argument( "--instrumentconfig_name", metavar="ICNAME", type=str, help="list observations matching the instrument_config name [str]", ) parser_download.add_argument( "--project_id", metavar="PROJID", type=int, help="list observations matching the project id [id]" ) parser_download.add_argument( "--project_code", metavar="PROJCODE", type=str, help="list observations matching the project code [str]" ) parser_download.add_argument( "--main_project", metavar="MAINPROJECT", type=str, default="MeerTIME", help="list observations matching the mainproject [str]" ) parser_download.add_argument( "--utcs", metavar="UTCGTE", type=str, help="list observations with utc_start greater than or equal to the timestamp [YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM]", ) parser_download.add_argument( "--utce", metavar="UTCLTE", type=str, help="list observations with utc_start less than or equal to the timestamp [YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM]", ) parser_download.add_argument( "--obs_type", metavar="OBSTYPE", type=str, default="fold", help="An observation type from fold, search and cal", ) parser_download.add_argument( "--unprocessed", action='store_true', default=None, help="Filter to only returned unprocessed observations (no PulsarFoldResult)", ) parser_download.add_argument( "--incomplete", action='store_true', default=None, help='Filter to only return incomplete observations (most recent job run is not "Completed"', )