Source code for psrdb.tables.template

import requests

from psrdb.graphql_table import GraphQLTable

def get_parsers():
    """Returns the default parser for this model"""
    parser = GraphQLTable.get_default_parser("The following options will allow you to interact with the Template database object on the command line in different ways based on the sub-commands.")
    return parser

[docs] class Template(GraphQLTable): """Class for interacting with the Template database object. Parameters ---------- client : GraphQLClient GraphQLClient class instance with the URL and Token already set. """ def __init__(self, client): GraphQLTable.__init__(self, client) self.table_name = "template" self.field_names = [ "id", "pulsar {jname}", "frequency", "bandwidth", "createdAt", "createdBy", "location", "method", "type", "comment", ]
[docs] def list(self, id=None, pulsar_name=None, band=None, project_short=None): """Return a list of Template information based on the `self.field_names` and filtered by the parameters. Parameters ---------- id : int, optional Filter by the database ID, by default None pulsar_name : str, optional Filter by the pulsar name, by default None band : str, optional Filter by the band, by default None project_short : str, optional Filter by the project short name, by default None Returns ------- list of dicts If `self.get_dicts` is `True`, a list of dictionaries containing the results. client_response: Else a client response object. """ filters = [ {"field": "id", "value": id}, {"field": "pulsar_Name", "value": pulsar_name}, {"field": "band", "value": band}, {"field": "project_Short", "value": project_short}, ] return GraphQLTable.list_graphql(self, self.table_name, filters, [], self.field_names)
[docs] def create( self, pulsar_name, band, template_path, project_code=None, project_short=None, ): """Create a new Template database object. Parameters ---------- pulsar_name : str The name of the pulsar. band : str The band of the template (e.g. SBAND). template_path : str The path to the template file. project_code : str, optional The code of the project, by default None project_short : str, optional The short name of the project (e.g. PTA), by default None Returns ------- client_response: A client response object. """ # Open the file in binary mode with open(template_path, 'rb') as file: variables = { "pulsar_name": pulsar_name, "project_code": project_code, "project_short": project_short, "band": band, } files = { "template_upload": file, } # Post to the rest api response ='{self.client.rest_api_url}template/', data=variables, files=files) return response
def process(self, args): """Parse the arguments collected by the CLI.""" self.print_stdout = True if args.subcommand == "create": return self.create( args.pulsar, args.project_code,, args.template_path, ) elif args.subcommand == "list": return self.list(, args.pulsar, args.frequency, args.bandwidth) else: raise RuntimeError(f"{args.subcommand} command is not implemented") @classmethod def get_name(cls): return "template" @classmethod def get_description(cls): return "A pulsar template/standard" @classmethod def get_parsers(cls): """Returns the default parser for this model""" parser = GraphQLTable.get_default_parser("Template model parser") cls.configure_parsers(parser) return parser @classmethod def configure_parsers(cls, parser): """Add sub-parsers for each of the valid commands.""" # create the parser for the "list" command parser.set_defaults(command=cls.get_name()) subs = parser.add_subparsers(dest="subcommand") subs.required = True parser_list = subs.add_parser("list", help="list existing ephemerides") parser_list.add_argument("--id", metavar="ID", type=int, help="list template matching the id [int]") parser_list.add_argument( "--pulsar", metavar="PSR", type=int, help="list template matching the pulsar id [int]" ) parser_list.add_argument( "--frequency", metavar="FREQ", type=float, help="list template matching the pulsar frequency in MHz [float]]", ) parser_list.add_argument( "--bandwidth", metavar="BW", type=float, help="list template matching the pulsar bandwidth in MHz [float]]" )