Source code for psrdb.tables.toa

from datetime import datetime

from psrdb.graphql_table import GraphQLTable
from psrdb.utils.toa import toa_dict_to_line
from psrdb.utils.other import chunk_list
from psrdb.load_data import EXCLUDE_BADGES_CHOICES

def get_parsers():
    """Returns the default parser for this model"""
    parser = GraphQLTable.get_default_parser("The following options will allow you to interact with the Toa database object on the command line in different ways based on the sub-commands.")
    return parser

[docs] class Toa(GraphQLTable): """Class for interacting with the Toa database object. Parameters ---------- client : GraphQLClient GraphQLClient class instance with the URL and Token already set. """ def __init__(self, client): GraphQLTable.__init__(self, client) self.table_name = "toa" self.field_names = [ "id", "pipelineRun{ id }", "ephemeris { id }", "template { id }", "archive", "freqMhz", "mjd", "mjdErr", "telescope", "fe", "be", "f", "bw", "tobs", "tmplt", "gof", "nbin", "nch", "chan", "rcvr", "snr", "length", "subint", ]
[docs] def list( self, id=None, pulsar=None, pipeline_run_id=None, project_short=None, dm_corrected=None, minimum_nsubs=None, maximum_nsubs=None, obs_nchan=None, ): """Return a list of Toa information based on the `self.field_names` and filtered by the parameters. Parameters ---------- id : int, optional Filter by the database ID, by default None pulsar : str, optional Filter by the pulsar name, by default None pipeline_run_id : int, optional Filter by the pipeline run id, by default None project_short : str The project short name (e.g PTA). dm_corrected : bool, optional Filter by if the toa was DM corrected, by default None minimum_nsubs : bool, optional Filter by if the toa was generated with the minimum number of time subbands, by default None maximum_nsubs : bool, optional Filter by if the toa was generated with the maximum number of time subbands, by default None obs_nchan : int, optional Filter by the number of channels, by default None Returns ------- list of dicts If `self.get_dicts` is `True`, a list of dictionaries containing the results. client_response: Else a client response object. """ filters = [ {"field": "id", "value": id}, {"field": "pulsar", "value": pulsar}, {"field": "pipelineRunId", "value": pipeline_run_id}, {"field": "projectShort", "value": project_short}, {"field": "dmCorrected", "value": dm_corrected}, {"field": "obsNchan", "value": obs_nchan}, ] if minimum_nsubs: filters.append({"field": "minimumNsubs", "value": minimum_nsubs}) if maximum_nsubs: filters.append({"field": "maximumNsubs", "value": maximum_nsubs}) return GraphQLTable.list_graphql(self, self.table_name, filters, [], self.field_names)
[docs] def create( self, pipeline_run_id, project_short, ephemeris, template_id, toa_lines, dmCorrected=False, nsub_type=None, npol=1, nchan=1, ): """Create a new Toa database object. Parameters ---------- pipeline_run_id : int The ID of the PipelineRun database object for this Toa. project_short : str The project short name (e.g PTA). ephemeris : str The path to the ephemeris file used to create the residuals. template_id : int The ID of the Template database object for this Toa. toa_lines : list A list containing the toa lines. dmCorrected : bool If the toa was DM corrected. minimumNsubs : bool If the toa was generated with the minimum number of time subbands. maximumNsubs : bool If the toa was generated with the maximum number of time subbands. npol : int The number of Stokes polarisations. nchan : int The number of frequency channels. Returns ------- client_response: A client response object. """ self.mutation_name = "createToa" self.mutation = """ mutation ( $pipelineRunId: Int!, $projectShort: String!, $templateId: Int!, $ephemerisText: String!, $toaLines: [String]!, $dmCorrected: Boolean!, $nsubType: String!, $obsNpol: Int!, $obsNchan: Int!, ) { createToa (input: { pipelineRunId: $pipelineRunId, projectShort: $projectShort, templateId: $templateId, ephemerisText: $ephemerisText, toaLines: $toaLines, dmCorrected: $dmCorrected, nsubType: $nsubType, obsNpol: $obsNpol, obsNchan: $obsNchan, }) { toa { id, } } } """ # Read ephemeris file with open(ephemeris, "r") as f: ephemeris_str = responses = [] for toa_chunk in chunk_list(toa_lines, 1000): # Upload the toa self.variables = { 'pipelineRunId': pipeline_run_id, 'projectShort': project_short, 'templateId': template_id, 'ephemerisText': ephemeris_str, 'toaLines': toa_chunk, 'dmCorrected': dmCorrected, 'nsubType': nsub_type, "obsNpol": npol, "obsNchan": nchan, } responses.append(self.mutation_graphql()) if len(responses) == 0: return None else: return responses[-1]
[docs] def delete( self, id, ): """Delete a Toa database object. Parameters ---------- id : int The database ID Returns ------- client_response: A client response object. """ self.mutation_name = "deleteToa" self.mutation = """ mutation ($id: Int!) { deleteToa(id: $id) { ok } } """ self.variables = { "id": id, } return self.mutation_graphql()
[docs] def download( self, pulsar, id=None, pipeline_run_id=None, project_short=None, dm_corrected=None, nsub_type=None, obs_nchan=None, npol=None, exclude_badges=None, utcs=None, utce=None, ): """Download a file containing ToAs based on the filters. Parameters ---------- pulsar : str Filter by the pulsar name id : int, optional Filter by the database ID, by default None pipeline_run_id : int, optional Filter by the pipeline run id, by default None project_short : str The project short name (e.g PTA). dm_corrected : bool, optional Filter by if the toa was DM corrected, by default None nsub_type : str The method used to calculate the number of subintegrations. The choices are: "1": a single nsub, "max" the maximum number of subints possible for the observation based on the S/N ratio, "mode" the length of each subintegration is equal to the most common observation duration, "all": all available nsubs (no time scrunching). obs_nchan : int, optional Filter by the number of channels, by default None npol : int The number of Stokes polarisations. Returns ------- list of dicts If `self.get_dicts` is `True`, a list of dictionaries containing the results. client_response: Else a client response object. """ filters = [ {"field": "id", "value": id}, {"field": "pulsar", "value": pulsar}, {"field": "pipelineRunId", "value": pipeline_run_id}, {"field": "projectShort", "value": project_short}, {"field": "dmCorrected", "value": dm_corrected}, {"field": "obsNchan", "value": obs_nchan}, {"field": "obsNpol", "value": npol}, {"field": "nsubType", "value": nsub_type}, ] if exclude_badges is not None: filters.append({"field": "excludeBadges", "value": exclude_badges}) if utcs is not None: d = datetime.strptime(utcs, '%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') filters.append({"field": "utcStartGte", "value": f"{}T{d.time()}+00:00"}) if utce is not None: d = datetime.strptime(utce, '%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') filters.append({"field": "utcStartLte", "value": f"{}T{d.time()}+00:00"}) self.get_dicts = True toa_dicts = GraphQLTable.list_graphql(self, self.table_name, filters, [], self.field_names, paginate_num=10000) # Create the output name output_name = f"toa_{pulsar}" if id is not None: output_name += f"_id{id}" if pipeline_run_id is not None: output_name += f"_pipeline_run_id{pipeline_run_id}" if project_short is not None: output_name += f"_{project_short}" if dm_corrected is not None and dm_corrected: output_name += "_dm_corrected" if nsub_type is not None: output_name += f"_{nsub_type}_nsub" if obs_nchan is not None: output_name += f"_nchan{obs_nchan}" if npol is not None: output_name += f"_npol{npol}" output_name += ".tim" # Loop over the toas and dump them as a file with open(output_name, "w") as f: f.write("FORMAT 1\n") for toa_dict in toa_dicts: # Convert to toa format # del toa_dict["id"] del toa_dict["pipelineRun"] del toa_dict["ephemeris"] del toa_dict["template"] toa_dict["freq_MHz"] = toa_dict["freqMhz"] toa_dict["mjd_err"] = toa_dict["mjdErr"] del toa_dict["freqMhz"] del toa_dict["mjdErr"] toa_line = toa_dict_to_line(toa_dict) f.write(f"{toa_line}\n") return output_name
def process(self, args): """Parse the arguments collected by the CLI.""" self.print_stdout = True if args.subcommand == "create": with open(args.toa_path, "r") as f: toa_lines = f.readlines() self.create( args.pipeline_run_id, args.ephemeris_id, args.template_id, toa_lines, args.dm_corrected, args.minimumNsubs, args.maximumNsubs, args.npol, ) elif args.subcommand == "delete": return self.delete( elif args.subcommand == "list": return self.list(, args.processing, args.folding, args.ephemeris, args.template) elif args.subcommand == "download": return args.pulsar,, args.pipeline_run_id, args.project, args.dm_corrected, args.nsub_type, args.nchan, args.npol, args.exclude_badges, args.utcs, args.utce, ) else: raise RuntimeError(f"{args.subcommand} command is not implemented") @classmethod def get_name(cls): return "toa" @classmethod def get_description(cls): return "A pulsar toa/standard" @classmethod def get_parsers(cls): """Returns the default parser for this model""" parser = GraphQLTable.get_default_parser("Toa model parser") cls.configure_parsers(parser) return parser @classmethod def configure_parsers(cls, parser): """Add sub-parsers for each of the valid commands.""" # create the parser for the "list" command parser.set_defaults(command=cls.get_name()) subs = parser.add_subparsers(dest="subcommand") subs.required = True parser_list = subs.add_parser("list", help="list existing ephemerides") parser_list.add_argument("--id", metavar="ID", type=int, help="list toa matching the id [int]") parser_list.add_argument( "--processing", metavar="PROC", type=int, help="list toa matching the processing id [int]" ) parser_list.add_argument("--folding", metavar="FOLD", type=int, help="list toa that used the folding id [int]") parser_list.add_argument( "--ephemeris", metavar="EPH", type=int, help="list toa matching the timing ephemeris id [int]" ) parser_list.add_argument( "--template", metavar="TEMPL", type=int, help="list toa matching the template id [int]" ) # create the parser for the "download" command parser_download = subs.add_parser("download", help="Download TOAs for a pulsar to a .tim file") parser_download.add_argument("pulsar", type=str, help="Name of the pulsar [str]") parser_download.add_argument("--project", type=str, help="The project short (e.g. PTA) [str]", required=True) parser_download.add_argument("--id", type=int, help="id of the toa [int]") parser_download.add_argument("--pipeline_run_id", type=int, help="pipeline_run_id of the toa [int]") parser_download.add_argument("--dm_corrected", action="store_true", help="Return TOAs that have had their DM corrected for each observation [bool]") parser_download.add_argument( '--nsub_type', type=str, choices=['1', 'max', 'mode', 'all'], required=True, help='The method used to calculate the number of subintegrations. The choices are: ' '"1": a single nsub, ' '"max" the maximum number of subints possible for the observation based on the S/N ratio, ' '"mode" the length of each subintegration is equal to the most common observation duration, ' '"all": all available nsubs (no time scrunching).' ) parser_download.add_argument("--nchan", type=int, help="Only use TOAs with this many subchans (common values are 1,4 and 16) [int]", required=True) parser_download.add_argument("--npol", type=int, help="Only use TOAs with this many stokes polarisations (4 for all and 1 for summed) [int]", required=True) parser_download.add_argument( '--exclude_badges', nargs='*', choices=EXCLUDE_BADGES_CHOICES, help=f'List of observation badges/flags to exclude from download ToAs. The choices are: {EXCLUDE_BADGES_CHOICES}' ) parser_download.add_argument( "--utcs", type=str, help="Only use observations with utc_start greater than or equal to the timestamp [YYYY-MM-DD-HH:MM:SS]", ) parser_download.add_argument( "--utce", type=str, help="Only use observations with utc_start less than or equal to the timestamp [YYYY-MM-DD-HH:MM:SS]", )